St. Michael’s Mid-Week
St. Michael’s Mid-Week consists of a family meal followed by a class and discussion. These learning opportunities are scattered throughout the year. Some are one -time classes while others are short series on a particular topic. Regardless, you don’t have to worry about making a long-term commitment or coming every week. Attend the topics that interest you. Come to a few or join us for every class.
Each Mid-Week begins at 6:30 pm with dinner. The class begins promptly at 7:00 pm. Discussion time follows the class and Mid-Week always ends by 8:30 pm.
Please RSVP for any Mid-Week date you plan to attend by e-mailing Duane Steadman at In your e-mail please list: 1) Each date you wish to attend. 2) How many will be attending.
See the Events link for the schedule of upcoming Mid-Week opportunities.