Our Location
St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church
3646 Coldwater Canyon Avenue
Studio City, CA 91604
Parking Information
St. Michael and All Angels’ parking lot is located south of the church off of Avenida Del Sol. Please note, the parking lot directly north of the church is owned by Harvard Westlake School.
Parking Monday through Friday
We share our parking lot Monday through Friday with Sunnyside Preschool and Harvard Westlake School. Guests of St. Michael and All Angels are welcome to park in our lot located off of Avenida Del Sol in any unnumbered or unreserved space.
Parking on Sunday
Guests of St. Michael and All Angels are welcome to park in any space in our lot located off of Avenida Del Sol. The Harvard Westlake lot on the north side of the church is also available for parking on Sundays.
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